Your stay in the department

The main pathologies treated



You will be welcomed at the department reception desk on the ground floor, yellow sector, door 10, by one of our assistant who will ensure that the formalities required for your hospitalization are up to date.

She will check your file and ask you to fill in the form:

  • For appointing a trusted support person
  • Care consent form

Our assistant will then direct you to your room, where you will be taken care of by one of our nurse.

Don’t forget to bring with you :

  • All your personal medications in their original packaging. 
  • A prescription for your usual treatment 
  • Your toiletries bag (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towels, gloves, etc….)
  • Your  pajamas, a loose-fitting robe or a warm woolen garment for the hallways.
  • Slippers

We also advise you not to bring valuables with you (means of payment, jewelry, money). You are welcome to leave them in the hospital safe upon your arrival. If you decide to retain them, you do so at your own risk.


To date, the department has mostly single rooms and a few double rooms.


You have access to telephone and television services. The staff will be happy to help you.


Throughout your stay, the resident in your sector will be your daily contact.

Your neurosurgeon will monitor your progress and visit you regularly.

Every day, the entire medical team meet to discuss the progress of all hospitalized patients. At the end of this meeting, decisions may be taken : Request for additional tests, outside opinions, discharge proposal, date of operation….. You will, of course, be informed of any decision.

The service works closely with the hospital’s pain management team.


A medical visit is made every morning by our interns and medical supervisors from 7.15 am to 8 am.

A second visit is also made every late afternoon, by our interns, medical supervisor and the on-call neurosurgeon.


You will be seen by the anaesthetist the day before the operation, as well as by the doctors who will be looking after you (the resident on the ward and your neurosurgeon). 

If necessary, additional tests may be carried out before your operation and during your stay: blood tests, ECG, X-ray, etc…


Visits from your relatives are permitted every day from 1pm to 8pm on the 2nd and 4th floors. They are authorized from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the ICU on the 1st floor.

Our hospital is a smoke-free public place.

We ask you to respect our hospital rules and regulations, which are available in the welcome booklet.

Please note: the department deals with emergencies on a daily basis, which may affect the organization of your hospital stay.